Sunday 28 October 2012

There is / There are + a (an), some, any + Countable & Uncountable Nouns

En clase hemos aprendido que There is / There are sirven para decir lo que "hay" y There isn't / There aren't lo que "no hay".
Las cosas que "hay" o que "no hay" pueden ser Countable o Uncountable.
Y de todo ello depende que utilicemos bien a (an), some y any.
En la siguiente presentación podrás estudiar cómo se utilizan.

Aquí tienes un video gracioso(?) que también lo explica. Cuidado con el acento inglés!

Y finalmente unos ejercicios para que practiques lo aprendido:

Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Estudia esta comparativa entre el Present Simple y el Present Continuous:

Diferencias en su forma:

Simple Present Present Continuous
Base form
(3rd person singular: infinitive + 's')
I speak
you speak
he / she / it speaks
we speak
they speak
form of 'be' and verb + ing
I am speaking
you are speaking
he / she / it is speaking
we are speaking
they are speaking
Exceptions when adding 's' :
  • After o, ch, sh or s, add es.
    Example: do - he does; wash - she washes
  • After a consonant, the final consonant y becomes ie. (but: not after a vowel)
    Example: worry - he worries
    but: play - he plays
Exceptions when adding 'ing' :
  • Silent e is dropped. (but: does not apply for -ee)
    Example: come - coming
    but: agree - agreeing
  • After a short, stressed vowel, the final consonant is doubled.
    Example: sit – sitting, put – putting
  • Final ie becomes y.
    Example: lie - lying

Diferencias en su uso:

Simple Present Present Progressive
in general (often, never)
Colin plays football every Tuesday.
present actions happening one after another
First Colin plays football, then he watches TV.
right now
Look! Colin is playing football now.
also for several actions happening at the same time
Colin is playing football and Anne is watching.
Signal words
  • always
  • every ...
  • often
  • normally
  • usually
  • sometimes
  • seldom
  • never
  • first
  • then
  • at the moment
  • at this moment
  • today
  • now
  • right now
  • Listen!
  • Look!

Las Signal Words hacen referencia al tiempo al que se realiza la acción. Utilízalas para decidir si utilizar el Present Simple o el Present Continuous.

Aquí tienes más información y ejercicios para diferenciar entre Present Simple y el Present Continuous.